Thanks to the enthusiastic recommendation of a friend about her golf instructor, I now take golf lessons. As it can be with learning anything new, we need to train our brains, there’s a lot to integrate and practice, and we learn so much more than we thought we would. According to the National Golf Foundation, only 19% of golfers are women. In becoming a part of this group, I’ve learned about more than just having a solid swing. Here’s what I’ve learned taking golf lessons (besides golf):

It’s never too late to start

This is the 560th year of golf’s existence. It’s never too late to learn and master something new, and it’s good for us to keep learning and growing throughout our lives.

Get the basics right first

Get instruction from a seasoned professional. Take lessons. Learn to have the presence and posture of a pro, to focus and keep your eye on the ball. Learn how to find and use your own power, and know what a good shot – and the success of accomplishment – sounds and feels like. When you start right, you learn good habits early and you don’t have to spend time unlearning sub-par habits.

Get a Great Coach 

Having someone to work with you one-on-one and guide you through improving and honing your skills is one of the best gifts you can give yourself, professionally and personally. Find a coach who you like and trust. My friend was not nearly as enthusiastic about her new golf skills as she was about the instructor – his approach, how he instructs and encourages her, his focus on her success, how competent and confident she feels on and off the course.

Power, Speed, Finish

Every week my golf instructor gives me a mantra for the week. This one is for all of us for life: Power, speed, finish.


We’ve all heard of the power of visualization. Professional golfers stand behind the ball and visualize where they want the ball to land, and they carry that image with them until they finish the swing Whether on the course, or at the driving range – in other words in the game or practicing, know where you’re headed.

Less is More

When the right skills are in place, it takes less effort to hit the ball harder and further. We don’t have to grit our teeth, clench our fists, or put any extraneous effort into our game.
