Forrester Network Celebrates 30 Years

Forrester Network Celebrates 30 Years

I am thrilled to announce that 2022 marks the 30th anniversary of Forrester Network. Over the years, Forrester Network has grown with our clients and collectively we’ve had unforgettable experiences and extraordinary successes. While the last 30 years have been filled...
5 Ways Re-Engage in the World

5 Ways Re-Engage in the World

We are stepping outside, feeling the sunshine (or rain) on our faces, and finding ways to re-engage in the world. Some of us pull the door open with enthusiasm, ready to jump right back in. Many of us peek outside, try to remember what it was like to have a...
Listening is a Creative Art

Listening is a Creative Art

Every week, I recommend a book for #FridayReads that broadens my horizons, enhances my perspective, provides insight into humanity, and uplifts and inspires me. Occasionally, a book speaks directly to me as if reverberating my truth. One of those books...
5 Reasons to Take the Call

5 Reasons to Take the Call

My phone rang at 8:00 a.m. this morning. That’s not a typical time for my phone to ring, so I expected it to be a spam call – or bad news. Instead, it was someone with whom I hadn’t spoken in about a year. My instincts and curiosity drove me to take the call, not...
How to Talk to Strangers

How to Talk to Strangers

While on a walk in my neighborhood, I saw three people I hadn’t seen before and realized how much I miss chance encounters and talking to strangers. I decided not to miss the opportunity to connect with someone new. Talking to strangers is a great way to make new...